Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Dennis Rittson  Puffing Billy recording  ABC Local 
 2. Wesley A. Fryer  Podcast 260: EduBloggerCon 2008, Recording, Intellectual Property and Recording: A Conversation with Elaine Roberts of Pearson  Moving at the Speed of Creativity Podcasts 
 3. EMI Classics Podcast  Jon Tolansky presents.... including discussions with the artists and highlights from the recording . Madama Butterfly appears on EMI Classics for the first time in many years in a new studio recording  Madama Butterfly 
 4. Aaron Copland  Billy the Kid: Celebration: After Billy's Capture - Eugene Ormandy & The Philadelphia Orchestra  Copland-Appalachian Spring; El Sal�n Mexico; Suites:Billy the Kid & Rodeo 
 5. Aaron Copland  Billy the Kid: Billy's Death - Eugene Ormandy & The Philadelphia Orchestra  Copland-Appalachian Spring; El Sal�n Mexico; Suites:Billy the Kid & Rodeo 
 6. David Adam Moore  Britten: Billy Budd: Billy in the Darbies   
 7. Emil R. Pinta  The First RCA Victor Recording of 1948: Petrillo, Truman and the 1948 Recording Ban  2008 ARSC Conference - www.arsc-audio.org 
 8. Emil R. Pinta  The First RCA Victor Recording of 1948: Petrillo, Truman and the 1948 Recording Ban  2008 ARSC Conference - www.arsc-audio.org 
 9. Allok Soft  Recording (1)   
 10. Alog  Just Recording  Catch That Totem! 
 11. Allok Soft  Recording   
 12. Allok Soft  Recording   
 13. Front  untitled recording   
 14. Ben Lerner  Complete Recording  A reading and discussion with poet Ben Lerner, Kelly Writers House, 30 September 2008 
 15. Ben Folds  Recording for Hiroshima  2008.03.02 - Iowa City - IMU Main Lounge 
 16. Gregory Corso  Complete Recording  Reading at Brooklyn College; March 4, 1991 
 17. Higher electro luxury  evol recording 22  lazy 
 18. Ben Yarmolinsky, music; Charles Bernstein, libretto  Complete Recording  The Lenny Paschen Show 
 19. Elizabeth Wills  Complete Recording  Reading at CPG, 3-19-91 
 20. Esther Im  untitled recording   
 21. Dan Machlin  Complete Recording.  Segue Series reading at the Bowery Poetry Club, April 19, 2008. 
 22. Dan Machlin  Complete Recording.  Segue Series reading at the Bowery Poetry Club, April 19, 2008. 
 23. DopeLabs  untitled recording 2   
 24. Bernadette Mayer  Complete Recording  Reading at the Ear Inn, October 15, 1988 
 25. Charles Bernstein  Complete Recording  Segue Series Reading at the Bowery Poetry Club, NYC, March 14, 2009. 
 26. Robert Creeley  Full Recording  The Door: Selected poems 
 27. Robert Duncan  Complete Recording  Reading in Vancouver, British Columbia, July 26 1963 
 28. Robert Duncan  Complete Recording  Wind and Sea, Fire and Night, Reading at the American Psychoanalytic Society, 1980 
 29. dcee  untitled recording   
 30. dcee  untitled recording   
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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